News on
Online Version of the Cards
The pdf version of our Design Cards has been available since the very beginning. There is another free version, though, which, up until now, was hidden. You could only get there when scanning a QR code on the printed cards. We've now decided to make this version (more) public.
So if you don't want to buy the professionally printed Design Cards box (or if you already have), you now have another way to access the contets. Enjoy!
Deactivated Shirt Generation
Spreadshirt has changed their API such that our shirt generation code does not work anymore. We don't know when we'll find the time to fix this. Until then we have to deactivate shirt generation. Sorry for that.
Design Cards Available Now
After we've shipped the Design Cards to our Kickstarter backers, we now make them publicly available. You can now download the PDF in two flavors: A4 and letter depending on your favorite paper size.
If you want to support our work or you'd like to have professionally printed cards, you can get those, too. You'll receive a 10% launch discount, if you order until March 31.*
*17.99 € instead of 19.99 €; German customers only
Design Types Result Shirts for Women
For quite a while now you've been able to print your Design Types result on a shirt. Now you can choose between men's and women's shirts.

Design Types on
One of the major German IT news websites,, interviewed us. Media coverage is always a good thing for a website but in this case this went particularly well.
In the past three years around 3000 people have used our Design Types questionnaire. After the article went online on 2018-08-28, this number doubled within a few hours and now, not even three weeks later, we have more than 14.000 records in our database.
Read the article: Entwickler-Charaktere: Ninja oder Zauberer?
Our Kickstarter campaign was a great success. Thanks a lot for your support!
Although the campaign is finished, there is still plenty of work to do. Card contents, beta versions, printing, and of course paperwork... This will all take some time, especially as we do this in our spare time. Nevertheless we are confident that we can ship the printed cards by the end of November.
Just a Couple of Days Left...
About a month ago we've started our Kickstarter campaign . Up until now we are almost on track. We plan to have the cards finished by the end of November. If you want to be among the first to get the cards, there are a few days left to back our campaign.
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